Animation:IVR/Phone Prompts:Commercial (deutsch):
“…applies years of experience to her stories.”
Active, streetsmart, sensitive: Victoria Prather has spent years on big-market radio and TV, honing the craft of storytelling, and easily represents the 30 to 45 age range. She creates a mental picture with her work that is authoritative as well as approachable. Victoria carries the announcer/anchor inside her, yet always connects with her listener/viewer one-to-one. Her extensive training includes fiction and non-fiction audiobooks; IVR; animation; narration; news and digital info products; animation and video games; commercial and specialty copy. Victoria is skilled in both recording auditions and delivering finished, market-ready products with her professional home studio, and has a phone patch for clients to monitor sessions.

VO2GoGo Class Achievements
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Talent Profile
Instructor ratings reflecting current level of career development.
Union Status
Self-managed and represented
Native Languages
North American English
Accents and Dialects
US: Southern, Midwest, NE, NYC/Long Island
German – fluent (Rhein-Hessen)
UK: English, Irish
Special Skills
German <> English translation
Home Studio Equipment
AudioTechnica AT2020USB+
Phone Patch
Quick Access to local Source Connect/ISDN studios
Service Area
Worldwide from New York City and Philadelphia
Contact Information
Email Victoria
Official Site
Victoria on IMDB
Victoria on Audible
Victoria on ACX
Actors Access
Social Media
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