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In September of 2019, we upgraded everything about what we teach, even the branding of the content and the site itself. We’re now called VO Heroes, and you can reach us at
This particular page, if it’s been kept as part of the upgraded content on VOHeroes, can be found here:
Hi… regarding the sample narrative you were wanting for lesson 9 on the VO2gogo site…you said 128kz in mono… ok I usually do mono but its at the 14400 MHz on Audacity…. I’m confused…help me out here please…
Thanks Jon
14400? Do you mean 44100? That’s what it should be – but that’s a different specification than the 128k setting. Just export as you normally do and we’ll see what happens.
“OK. You still get a link to the next lesson, but…it then goes on your permanent record that you’re a slacker. Do the homework.”
Thank you for that laugh.