Archive | Articles

Too Late, Melissa. You Already Are.

Hey there!

Several people made me aware of a Twitter thread discussing voice over training curriculums, in which my name came up.

Melissa opined that she’d heard “really good things about him” but that she’d also heard “he’s great if you’re an actor, but I’m just interested in audiobooks.”

Time for some tough Melissa love.

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One Of Your Secret Weapons: Agility

Hey there!

I want to talk to you today about agility, and what advantages you get from being agile.

My schedule recently has been packed with getting Project X finished, an audiobook, and other performance demands. So, I found myself needing to get a last minute audition shot at a very weird time of day.

Here’s why that doesn’t ever need to matter.

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200 Auditions. 1 Booking. A Ghost. Really?

Hey there!

There’s an often quoted statistic that says that the average role receives over 1500 submissions, and that, on average, it takes a union actor 200 auditions to get a single booking.

Turns out that’s even more universal than we think, and for the same technical reason.

Barron’s article on job applicant “ghosting:”

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