Hey, there!
There’s yet another area on the VO2GoGo website, one that helps Pro members (along with everyone else who stops by) to get things done.
I’m calling it the VO2GoGo Labs. And I want your suggestions for what content I should include for you as I continue to build it.
I get emails all the time asking me about little tasks (and big tasks) that we need to do as VO artists, and how to do them.
Things like how to use Audacity to sanitize audiobook retail samples, or how to attach the AT2020 USB Plus to a standard mic stand, or how to edit with my stairstep method.
But I want more. I want to know what you want in our lab area. So here’s your chance.
And it’s not just me working on it: my coaching team is also putting together these Lab videos.
Just let me know in the comments below what you’d like to see the team and I create for you.
Hope this helps.
David, Just filled out your survey but didn’t include e-mail ’cause I’m already signed up! I’m afraid I contributed to your unopened e-mail situation by allowing two dormant accounts accumulate your messages. I’ve unsubscribed from both finally, and I still look forward to getting your e-mails at my current g-mail account.
Thank you for your persistent jogging. Keep sending. Linda Roper
Maybe, just maybe, if I can focus this ADD brain and overcome severe tech limitations, I can, with your help, be a profitable force.
How to build my own demo in areas that i have not legitimately worked yet (cartoon, video game, …). Thank you, David!
I’d be interested in a lab about vocal health. Mouth noises, pops and clicks can be a problem you never knew you had before starting the VO adventure!
Yeah, a topic on iZotope RX6 (or another package) for noise removal would be a big help.
In a recent video you mentioned doing a video showing how to do simple production in Audacity. That would be worthwhile.
First thank you for the emails every two weeks, they are very helpful. I would like to see more on transitioning from a career in radio (25 plus years) to a career in Voice Over’s.
I think a lot of people would be grateful for good descriptions of technical topics like sampling rate and resolution, A to D conversion, and what the components that make up a signal chain actually do. Good illustrative graphics would be a big help. I’m an engineer, and know these things, but it seems like to many voiceover artists, it’s just so much voodoo; they’re actors, after all, not technicians. But you can’t make intelligent equipment and software choices, nor use the stuff effectively once you have it, without some understanding of what the various components and settings do. Yet these days, when it comes to auditions at least, and sometimes the finished product, we are our own producers. Help us do it to the best of our ability! Thanks.
Honestly, the fact that we have a place to ask these questions and you or someone there is ready to assist at some point is amazing. Whether its a freshly minted answer or a link to an article/video you made,(you’ve given me both) its made a massive difference to me to be able to reach out to you. Your art, commerce, science model is so helpful. So if you’re looking to create more content for us, I would have a strong balance between all three. Some people need one more at the moment than the other. Thanks for all you do!
I would be interested in a tutorial on punch-and-roll editing on Audacity (as an alternative to the stair-step method). Thanks! Jennie